Registration / Race Pack

No. We do not cater to Race Day registration.

Registration will be closed once we have reached the maximum number of participants allowed.

There will be NO refund once your registration form has been processed.

Please bring along a Photo ID (NRIC / Passport)

Yes, you may however please inform the organizer in writing (info@113triathlon.com) of your intentions and do provide details of your representative.

Please return your timing chip to the Organizer no later than 15 days after Race Day, else you will be charged $100 for the timing chip.

Race Day

Yes, there will be a Race Briefing at the Official Race Venue one (1) day before Race Day.

  • 2km swim (1:10)
  • 90km cycle (4:30)
  • 21km run (3:00)

Race officially ends at 4:00pm. All runs should be completed by then, otherwise you will be picked-up and do not qualify for a Finisher medal / tee (if applicable)

Sorry, no wetsuits allowed in this race. You might get a heat stroke wearing one, as water temperature is around 28 degrees celsius.

Only participants wearing Race Bibs and/or Timing Chips will be allowed into the Transition Area.

Parents of kids (aged 12 and under) participant may enter only before their Race begins. No person/s (unless participants) are permitted entry into Transition Area during Race duration.

Sorry, but each participant is responsible for your own counting. However, there will be spotters (and timing system will be in use) to check if participants did not complete the required number of loops.

Yes, all Finishers will receive a unique 113 Triathlon medal.

Please return the chip to Organizer immediately upon completing the Race, at the specified counter/area.

Please return the chip to the Organizer no later than 15 days after Race Day, else you will be charged $100 for the timing chip.

Official results will be made available on our official website within 72 hours.

Yes, there will be a Lost & Found counter on Race Day. You may hand over found items through this counter too.